Category Archives: Drinks

Nan Shuang Bei Cheese

“As a foodie who lives in Beijing, I can’t believe that I’ve never visited Yong He Palace.” This sentence may not make much sense to you, as Yong He Palace is not the number one place that people tend to run to when looking for food. However, this sentence has been in my head all day yesterday. Let me explain.

Yesterday, I paid my first visit to Yong He Palace not as a tourist, but as a foodie. Being so close to the subway station, the first food joint to catch my eye was a dessert place called Nan Shuang Bei Cheese. This “cheese” isn’t the kind of solid, huge slabs that people outside of China refer to as “cheese”, but rather a much more delicate form that resembles a light pudding. This is a traditional Chinese dessert that was served in palaces in the old days, and it is very popular nowadays as well.

I ordered the traditional cheese because it was obviously the signature dish. A picture of a durian sago pudding also caught my eye, so I ordered that as well. Finally, I ordered a Hong Kong “stocking” milk tea to wash everything down. If you’re wondering about the “stocking” milk tea, it is a milk tea that has supposedly been poured through the fabric of silk stockings to ensure its incredibly smooth, velvety texture.

IMG_9086The signature cheese was actually pretty disappointing. It lacked the fragrance of cheese, and did not have thick enough of a consistency to be considered as pudding. To be honest, the whole thing resembled yogurt more than anything else. This might be good news for the health freaks out there, but for the price of 12RMB, this was some expensive yogurt.

SCORE (cheese): 3/10

IMG_9088The durian sago pudding (22RMB) was the best of the lot. In fact, it was easily the best durian sago pudding that I’ve had in Beijing so far. The consistency of the pudding was incredibly thick and smooth, yet each spoonful still managed to melt on my tongue. Unlike most durian desserts in Beijing, the durian flavour really came through, and was super fresh, just like the real fruit. “What makes this pudding so fresh?” I wondered as I dug through the golden dessert. I found the answer when my spoon scraped the bottom of the container, and came up with an entire mouthful of fresh durian fruit. In fact, the entire bottom was coated with a layer of real durian. The sago was scattered consistently throughout the pudding, and offered an interesting texture to contrast with the smoothness of the pudding. I was disappointed when I hadIMG_9087 scraped every glob of the pudding from the container and could find no more.

SCORE (pudding): 10/10

IMG_9089The milk tea (10RMB) was not bitter enough to resemble a real Hong Kong “stocking” milk tea, but it was alright. Just your average milk tea in Beijing.

SCORE (milk tea): 7/10

All in all, Nan Shuang Bei Cheese is a cozy place to stop for a snack. And when I say snack, I mean “get the durian sago pudding”.

ADDRESS: Xicheng District, #185 De Sheng Men Nei Street

Maan Coffee

Maan Coffee. Where to begin? This is a great place to spend some time with friends or to just chill and curl up with a good book. You get to choose from a selection of comfy sofas and cushioned chairs to lounge in, and the wooden tables and classic decor really brings a cozy feeling to the place. With its laid-back atmosphere and relaxed environment, this is basically my ideal cafe. Maan Coffee is also famous for its huge selection of waffles, so when I felt a waffle craving coming on today, I grabbed my bestie and came directly here.

IMG_8182We decided to get the Berry Blast waffle (58RMB), because it looked wonderful with just the right combination of ice cream, fruit, and whipped cream. The waffle itself was slightly crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside, but the crispy layer was super, super thin. Therefore, I barely tasted any crispiness when the waffle reached my mouth with the additional ice cream, fruit, and whipped cream. A little more crisp on the outside would have been way better. The fruit compote consisted of blackberries and blueberries, and fresh strawberries were thrown on top. The fruit compote surpassed my expectations with less of the canned fruits or jam flavour that most joints serve up, but the strawberries were quite sour. The berry ice cream was good with a soft consistency and a creamy taste that wasn’t overly sweet. The whipped cream was heavier than most whipped creams, had a fragrant taste, and went well with the ice cream.

SCORE (waffles): 8/10

IMG_8183My bestie feels an instant attraction to all good-looking drinks, so she ordered the strawberry milkshake (38RMB). I had a sip, but was put off by the watery texture and bland taste. However, it did have some milky flavour in there, so I suppose that they at least attempted to use the right ingredients.

SCORE (shake): 5/10

IMG_8184As you can see, our order came with a bear. To our dismay, we didn’t get to keep it, but the bear actually acts as an item that servers can look for in order to locate our table. We also got free breadsticks, but for the record they were awful. The sticks were overly dry, and had a strangely sweet flavour that I couldn’t identify. Perhaps they will taste better with tea or coffee.

SCORE (bread): 2/10

All in all, Maan Coffee is a great place to spend any lazy afternoon. You can never go wrong with their waffles, but tread lightly when it comes to the smoothies and breadsticks.

ADDRESS: ChaoYang District, Wangjing West Street (Near Beixiaohe Park)

Costa Coffee


There is a Costa Coffee right next to my house, but I’ve never considered paying a visit because there’s virtually nothing special about it. However, I got bored this morning, and decided to trust the taste of the many businessmen that seemingly live in the place and give it a try. I got the almond mocha for 39rmb, and the price is kind of a ripoff. However, the chocolaty mocha has just the right hint of bitterness from the espresso, and the fragrance of the almond is quite pronounced. The soft foam on top contrasts with the silky liquid on the bottom, and i love the Costa icon made with cacao powder floating on top. For me, this was a very impressive coffee overall.

SCORE: 9/10

All in all, Costa Coffee is a great place to spend a lazy morning or afternoon simply lounging around, or if you want to get some work done. When ordering a drink, choose any coffee and you shouldn’t go wrong.

ADDRESS: futong east st, courtyard number 6, building number 4, 1st floor




I was out at the Indigo mall with my family, and my mom decided to pay a visit to Starbucks because she wanted to use her reward card. We got the Javachip and Caramel Frappuccinos, and they were pretty decent.

The Javachip Frappuccino resembles  a chocolate milkshake. It is made with milk, bits of ice, chocolate flavouring, and chocolate cookie crumbs mixed in a blender. It is topped with whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate syrup. It has a creamy texture and is very decadent but not too heavy. I also like how the cookie bits gives a crunchy texture to each bite. However, this is not a good choice if you’re looking to quench your thirst.

SCORE (Javachip Frap): 8/10

IMG_8211The Caramel Frappuccino is basically a caramel milkshake with bits of ice. It is made with milk, ice, and caramel flavouring mixed in a blender. It is topped with whipped cream and a drizzle of caramel. This has the same creamy texture as the Javachip, but is more smooth and watery with no crunch. It can also be overly sweet, but is great if you love all things caramel.

SCORE (Caramel Frap): 7/10

I had a crazy craving for scones this morning, so decided to pay a visit to the nearest Starbucks. I know that Starbucks isn’t known for the quality of its scones, but I thought that being the huge international brand that it is, its scones will be more reliable than say, those of Tous Les Jours. Later, I realised that I was completely wrong.

IMG_7125First of all, I was thrown by how flat the scones were. I was hoping for the tall, thick, fluffy scones that you would find in the UK, but was met with the unfriendly flatness of a row of Starbucks scones. Not losing hope, I ordered the raison scone (18RMB), and immediately regretted my decision. The scone was super dry. In fact, it was so dry that I couldn’t even break it apart without using my teeth. Therefore, I was left with the option of gnawing on it like a biscuit. The raisons were also pretty flavourless, and the scone lacked the buttery taste that all good scones should have.



All in all, Starbucks has a great environment to hang out in and maybe get some work done. When ordering food, take your pick from the array of chilly Frappuchinos, but avoid the scones at all times.

ADDRESS: guangshun south st #16 new world shopping mall 1st floor